Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag power outage

Nashville Film Festival Shorts and Spirit Halloween: The Movie

It’s the first day of October and that means it’s an all-new day at the Nashville Film Festival… so it’s time to watch some all-new entertainment! Matt takes a look at the short films Shedding Angels, OST. and Night of… Continue Reading →

The Monster Project Faux-Documentary Review

Welcome back to a new review here on #HauntLife, the blog by a haunter just looking to share the world of horror and pop culture. This week, I am reviewing the 2017 film The Monster Project by Director Victor Mathieu… Continue Reading →


Per Matt Robert Kirkman, David Alpert and Norman Reedus take a break from their usual undead duties in order to take a breath of fresh Air.

Fear the Walking Dead: The Dog

The neighbors are restless.

Fear the Walking Dead: So Close, Yet So Far

After two episodes, society is starting to fall and it’s finally starting to look like the Zombie Apocalypse has actually arrived.

The History Channel’s 2012 The End Is Now

According to Brad Meltzer (and The History Channel), The End Is Now. Well, since it’s New Year’s Day of 2013, I thought I’d do a drive-by review of their pseudo documentary that recently aired on TV.

Discovery Channel’s How Will The World End?

It’s the End of the World, as we know it… but how will it really end? The Mayans were way off. This psuedo-documentary presents five possible cataclysmic scenarios that might actually happen… at some point.

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