Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag premium cable channel

Dream Scenario Lets Nicolas Cage be a Remarkable Nobody

Is there any role  that Nicolas Cage won’t take? Cage is renowned for his exceptional versatility as an actor, seamlessly transitioning between an impressive array of roles that span across genres and characters. His ability to embody diverse personalities, from… Continue Reading →

Moonage Daydream Peeks into David Bowie’s Soul

Per Matt If you thought you knew everything about David Bowie, think again. You might be a huge fan of the musician’s glam-rock stage… but you may not recognize the different types of media he explored during his hiatus from… Continue Reading →

A Spy Among Friends Celebrates the Intelligence Community

Per Matt Growing up, Spy vs. Spy was one of my favorite features of MAD magazine. Back in the day, I loved the wily White Spy and the bad-ass Black Spy. Each one seemed to be more familiar with their… Continue Reading →

Nashville Filmmakers Focus on The Anarchists

Per Matt If I told you there were Americans who renounced their U.S. citizenship in order to live a better life in Mexico, would you believe it? It just so happens to be true, as the new HBO documentary series,… Continue Reading →

From Finale Gets Weird… Even for EPIX

Per Matt Whenever a storyline gets weird… I dig it. And should that story straddle multiple genres, I enjoy it all the more. If it somehow ventures into the gross-out category (such as body horror), I tend to shy away…. Continue Reading →

It’s Got Love, Monsters and Michael Rooker — All the Good Stuff!

Not too long ago, I saw an ad for a streaming movie called Love and Monsters, which I knew nothing about. Zilch. I’d never heard of the director before (Michael Matthews). I didn’t recognize the two lead actors (Dylan O’Brien… Continue Reading →

EPIX Gives Billy the Kid a Sympathetic, Vengeful Backstory

Per Matt The wild, wild West has always fascinated me. I’ve enjoyed all sorts of Western tales throughout the years, with True Grit and 3:10 to Yuma being a couple of favorites (along with their remakes), as well as Eastwood’s… Continue Reading →

Will the G.I. Joe Franchise Survive the Snake Eyes Flop?

Per Matt If the only things you know about G.I. Joe come from the mediocre big-screen releases of the past 13 years, then you don’t really know Joe. With each outing, MGM and Di Bonaventura Pictures have teamed up to… Continue Reading →

From Brings a Killer Mystery to EPIX

Per Matt If you were trapped inside a small town with a location loop and hunted by creatures of the night, how would you react? EPIX presents these mysterious circumstances in the new horror drama, From.

The Bogeyman Visits Blumhouse’s House on the Bayou

Per Matt Beware the bogeyman: He (or she) may appear wearing any imaginable disguise at the most inopportune moments. Up to no good, you’d better think fast on your feet when dealing with this menace, especially when there’s no neighbors… Continue Reading →

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