Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag production studio

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Checks All the Boxes

If you know me, you know that I have a taste for action movies and horror flicks. A few times in history these genres have overlapped with one another. Even fewer have been successful. Most of the time, horror-action films… Continue Reading →

The Northman is Brutal, But Anya is Brilliant!

Per Matt When you’re depicting an action-drama historical film that focuses on a medieval Scandinavian legend, which itself is the direct inspiration of Prince Hamlet’s character, you’ve got a great start. But when the movie in question is The Northman,… Continue Reading →

Manifest Finally Addresses Fan Service

Fan Service. Hidden deep within the dark halls of Hollywood’s major production studios are writers who prefer not to directly address the elephant in the room. It’s what keeps fandoms up at night, molding conspiracy theories around their favorite themes,… Continue Reading →

To Be Like Bruce Lee Is To Be Water

Per Matt The sporting life — much like life in general — has been dramatically altered during this pandemic. While playing team sports have taken a backseat to just surviving somehow (with an assist from the writers of The Walking… Continue Reading →

Rejection, Redemption and Rebranding: Season 3 of Get Shorty

Per Matt For Season 3, Get Shorty reboots its storyline as the entertainment industry experiences blackmail during the #MeToo era in the EPIX showbiz satire.

The Walking Dead Interview: Tony Gowell

Per Matt Tony Gowell was lucky enough to scratch an entry off his bucket-list: Performing as a Zombie in an international hit. Not once, but twice, has Tony donned the makeup to become an undead minion. First it was on… Continue Reading →

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