Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag retcon

If Transformers One is Canon Moving Forward…

How many times can a story get reimagined before all of its previous versions somehow merge together, becoming one amorphous blob where bits and pieces are used from each release, moving forward? What’s familiar is new again as Transformers One… Continue Reading →

Loki Season 2 Should Allow Disney to Reboot the Kang Dynasty

Jonathan Majors, a talented actor whose star seemed destined to forever ascend, experienced a remarkable journey through the cinematic landscape, particularly within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. His introduction into the MCU was nothing short of grand, as he portrayed the… Continue Reading →

What’s the End Game for TWD: Dead City?

Per Matt As soon as I started watching the Dead City series premiere, I wondered aloud, “How much Negan is too much Negan?” We’re about to find out.

If Halloween Ends, What’s Next for the Franchise?

Per Matt I make no bones that John Carpenter’s Halloween is one of my all-time favorite horror movies. While much has been made of its shoestring budget, I truly enjoyed the storyline, which was groundbreaking in 1978 and still holds… Continue Reading →

Predator Gets a Prequel in Prey

I loved the original Predator film. While the sequels of the monster movie franchise did not really work for me, the original was the kind of action/horror film that I absolutely loved. You have this alien killing machine, complete with… Continue Reading →

Afterlife Renews My Confidence in the Ghostbusters Franchise

Per Matt If you’re a fan of the 1984 Ghostbusters film like I am, you made an emotional connection with Peter Venkman, Ray Stantz, Winston Zeddemore and Egon Spengler. As a Child of the ’80s, these were some of my… Continue Reading →

Will the G.I. Joe Franchise Survive the Snake Eyes Flop?

Per Matt If the only things you know about G.I. Joe come from the mediocre big-screen releases of the past 13 years, then you don’t really know Joe. With each outing, MGM and Di Bonaventura Pictures have teamed up to… Continue Reading →

Hawkeye Aims to Reinvigorate the MCU

Per Matt Hawkeye’s got no superpowers. No super suit to send him flying high into the air. He’s not from an alien planet. And he’s not even the most popular Avenger. But here’s Jeremy Renner, starring in the latest Marvel… Continue Reading →

Syfy’s Chucky Breathes New Life Into the Killer Doll

Chucky, the serial killer-possessed doll, has made its return to the airwaves. This is not the cute doll programmed with destructive intent and voiced by a Jedi. This is the OG. The Brad Dourif voiced, foul-mouthed and somewhat comical Charles… Continue Reading →

Stan Lee’s Origin Story is Revealed in Mutants, Monsters & Marvels

Lazy Sundays aren’t solely reserved for The Lonely Island. They’re the perfect time to clean out your DVR with programming you’ve really wanted to watch, but never actually made time for. So, while sipping on my Sunday morning coffee, I… Continue Reading →

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