Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Robot Chicken

Paul Reubens was More Than Just Pee-wee Herman

Per Matt Words cannot express the feelings… For the past three weeks, I’ve been struggling to encapsulate my thoughts. Paul Reubens, better known as Pee-wee Herman, has passed away after a six-year battle with cancer, which he kept very private…. Continue Reading →

Congrats to Seth Green, Robot Chicken for 200 Episodes!

Per Matt Saturday morning cartoons. Just the simple concept of three network television channels airing four or five straight hours of animated TV shows (sometimes longer!) every weekend can be an alien concept for millennials to comprehend. Back in the… Continue Reading →

Steven Yeun Finds Hard-Earned Success After Walking Dead

Per Matt Can you believe that it’s been almost four years already since Glenn Rhee was written out of The Walking Dead? It happened during a major event on the hit TV show. Not only was Negan introduced in a… Continue Reading →

Aquaman Proves That Horror Filmmakers Should Get More Opportunities

Per Matt You don’t have to be a fan of superhero movies to enjoy Aquaman. You don’t have to read comics to enjoy Aquaman. And you’re not required to have seen any of James Wan’s horror movies to enjoy Aquaman… Continue Reading →

Aquaman: Diving Deep Into the Story

Unless you’d told me that James Cameron was really making the movie from Entourage Season 3, I never thought I would be this excited to see an Aquaman movie. The hero has often been the butt of jokes in shows… Continue Reading →

Building a Blockbuster, Brick By Brick

Per Matt DC Comics, the home that Batman built, has had a rocky past with its Dark Knight Detective-themed movies that have been adapted throughout the years. While they have been generally successful at the box office, that’s not always… Continue Reading →

DragonConTV Interview: Brian Richardson

Per Matt Throughout the years, Dragon Con attendees have enjoyed countless parodies, music videos, celebrity interviews, panel highlights and event commentary via DragonConTV. Whether you’ve watched them before or after panel presentations, via the convention’s host hotels or the highlights… Continue Reading →

Aqua Teen Hunger Force Interview with Dana Snyder

Per Matt You may recognize him as the voice of many different animated characters, from Master Shake of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, to Granny of Squidbillies, to Gazpacho of Chowder and multiple characters of Bob’s Burgers, as well. Dana Snyder… Continue Reading →

Surviving Outside SDCC 2014

Per Matt Ever wonder if it’s possible to attend San Diego Comic-Con International and have a good time… without ever setting foot inside the Convention Center?

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