Per Matt The final season of The Walking Dead may be overdrawn, spanning large portions of two separate calendar years. It may be a little long in the tooth. It may have gotten a little too gory at times. It… Continue Reading →
If you’ve seen any of the previews for Season 10, you’d know two things: The Walking Dead is still around (despite many of its previously featured main characters being killed off) and the season premiere has finally arrived — per… Continue Reading →
In television terms, 10 years is an eternity for a show to remain airing and relevant within the pop-culture spectrum… and a rare thing at that, with one featuring Zombies. As I watched the “Season 10 Preview Special,” I wasn’t… Continue Reading →
Winter has fallen onto The Walking Dead. As harsh weather has rendered The Kingdom unlivable, its inhabitants retreat to Hilltop for survival, fighting an unstoppable storm and fears of an enemy attack in difficult conditions. Nature has divided the four… Continue Reading →
It seems the original cast from the first few seasons of The Walking Dead has been dwindling quickly. Has TWD become so much of a dumpster fire that each one of the main actors is prepared to leave as soon… Continue Reading →
More questions were asked than answered when The Walking Dead returned with its mid-season premiere, “Adaptation” and The Whisperers have finally taken center stage.
With only a few days remaining until The Walking Dead returns with the mid-season premiere, “Adaptation,” which is directed by Greg Nicotero, a new menace moves into the undead spotlight. The Whisperers have already left their marks among AMC’s survivors, getting violently… Continue Reading →
By the time the Whisperers finally reveal themselves in The Walking Dead, it’s true… “There’s a storm coming.”
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