Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Ryan Gosling

The Fall Guy Doesn’t Know What It Is

Growing up in the ’80s was a time of vibrant, iconic television shows that left a lasting impression on my childhood. Among these, The Fall Guy stood out as one of my absolute favorites. I was enthralled by Lee Majors’… Continue Reading →

Barbie is Not the Movie I Expected

Had you told me when I began writing movie reviews that I’d be crafting one for a Barbie film, I’d have dismissed the idea as ludicrous. If you then added that I’d be writing this review because the movie achieved… Continue Reading →

Peter Sarsgaard’s Loss is Our Gain in Memory

Dementia has been a persistent presence in my family for several years. The journey began with my father in the late 2000s, culminating in his passing in 2011. Currently, I confront the daily challenges of witnessing my mother gradually succumb… Continue Reading →

Watching Christmas-Adjacent Movies

Die Hard, Lethal Weapon and Gremlins are three movies that immediately come to mind when I think of movies that take place during Christmastime, but are not Christmas movies. So, what are some Christmas-adjacent movies you could watch this December?

Anime Series Aims to Give Blade Runner Franchise a New Life

We may not be getting another Blade Runner movie anytime soon, but we will be returning to the world of replicants in the form of an anime series in the near future. No release date yet, but when it airs,… Continue Reading →

Ryan Gosling (and Damien Chazelle) Aim for the Moon in First Man

Per Matt First Man is being hyped as a critically acclaimed movie that depicts Neil Armstrong’s fated journey in becoming the first man to walk on the moon, but it’s really just a complicated tale about a man who overcomes… Continue Reading →

Blade Runner 2049 Offers a Key to Future Box-Office Totals

Per Matt With replicants returning to movie theaters after a long hiatus, will this weekend’s box-office results mimic those of 1982? Or will October follow the lead of the largest U.S. September box office on record, with a familiar film… Continue Reading →

Blade Runner Returns to the Big Screen Not a Moment Too Soon

When a movie is adapted from a bestselling science-fiction author, is directed by a groundbreaking director, is hailed as a cult classic and the distributor releases seven different versions of the final cut, it’s a big deal when a sequel… Continue Reading →

Geek Culture and the New Era of Oscars

In less than a week, the 89th Academy Awards will commence. For the everyday moviegoer, the Oscars have commemorated a selection of niche films until recently. Though, often, art-house movies come away with the top awards, relatively popular movies clean… Continue Reading →

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