Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag samurai

Comic Creator Interview with Steve Stone

If you’ve ever wondered how to promote your indie comic at a convention, then pay close attention to my interview with creator Steve Stone. While talking about the latest issue of Cape Haven and his graphic novel, Conquest, Steve mentions… Continue Reading →

Westworld Introduces Samurai in Season 2

I can’t wait to see Shogun World on the HBO show, Westworld.

Batman Ninja Poses Different Questions

What if Batman was a ninja in feudal Japan? That concept looks as cool as it sounds.

Go, Go Power Rangers!

If you grew up in the ’90s like I did, then your Saturdays more than likely included the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. It aired on Fox and told the story of five teenagers who are chosen by the mystical Zordon… Continue Reading →

Logan: Wolverine’s Dramatic Farewell

Fewer characters in the Marvel Universe have as complex history as Logan, better known by his superhero name: Wolverine. Considering most Marvel characters have a convoluted story, this says a lot about the scrappy Canadian fighter. Hugh Jackman is supposedly… Continue Reading →

Redbox Review: The Wolverine

Nothing rings in the new year quite like a pair of adamantium claws… SNIKT!

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