The most recent DC animated movie features excellent animation, well-choreographed super fights and amazing action. Its solid story does a fine job of juggling the four Supermen — Steel, Superboy, Cyborg Superman and The Eradicator — who would fight to… Continue Reading →
With only a few days remaining until The Walking Dead returns with the mid-season premiere, “Adaptation,” which is directed by Greg Nicotero, a new menace moves into the undead spotlight. The Whisperers have already left their marks among AMC’s survivors, getting violently… Continue Reading →
In an exciting season premiere which could be described as nothing less than a passionate love letter to Star Trek, the second season of Discovery launched, and its course and trajectory are proving true now that the second episode has… Continue Reading →
When did politics seep into a possible bright future for colonizing the Red Planet? Sadly, the accurate answer is Season 2 of Mars, when a private corporation competes for resources with the pre-established international scientific coalition and too much drama ensues.
It’s been a long time since Schwarzenegger hollered, “Get to da choppa!” And sadly, out of the six movies the species has starred in, the first movie of the Predator Universe is still the best.
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