It’s no secret that I have a small infatuation with musicals. I don’t watch many. In fact, even though the 2020s have been filled with several major musical hits, I have mostly avoided watching them. But with the awards season… Continue Reading →
When Matt asked me if I wanted to go see a screening of the new Aladdin, I screamed inside. Aladdin was my absolute favorite Disney movie growing up, next to James and the Giant Peach, so I was more than… Continue Reading →
Evil Dead: The Musical has become, hands down, my favorite musical performance over the last few years. I’ve been fortunate enough to experience this incredible show three of the last four years and it just keeps getting better every freaking… Continue Reading →
I’ve been a Deadite since I was 12. A Deadite, for those unfamiliar with The Evil Dead series, is a fan. It’s sort of like being a Juggalo, but without the social stigma or being on an FBI watch list.
Per Matt With the recent death of Scott Weiland, it seems like an appropriate time to examine another favorite artist of mine, one whose incredible recordings and time on this Earth were also cut way too short, Amy Winehouse.
Per Matt Don’t let MTAC 15 to Life be a hair-raising experience. Previewing the 2015 Middle Tennessee Anime Convention, we spoke with Middle Tennessee Anime Convention Executive Director Nicholas Qualls about the fast-approaching event and look forward to its return… Continue Reading →
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Per Matt The truth may be out there, somewhere, but at the Cook County Jail, it’s a fuzzy science.