Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag situation comedy

The Lego Star Wars Holiday Special is the Life Day Miracle We Need, But Don’t Deserve

Christmas, Christmastime is here. Time to put away the horror and slasher flicks (mostly) and focus more on the family aspect of my life. After my divorce last year, I have been looking for family activities and movies for my… Continue Reading →

Godmothered Proves Fairy Tales Can Come True

My little girl is in love with the idea of fairy godmothers. After watching movies like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, she is totally convinced that we have good godmothers around us, dedicated to trying to make our lives easy, fun… Continue Reading →

You Can’t Spell Treehouse of Horror Without a Multiverse of Homers!

Per Matt Halloween is officially over, now that The Simpsons has finally aired its holiday-themed extravaganza.

Raising Children During the Zombie Apocalypse? You’re Only Dead on the Inside!

Per Matt Fear. Terror. And worthless debit cards. These are only a few things to worry about when the undead wreak havoc during the Zombie Apocalypse. Then there’s a whole new set of rules for raising your children during this… Continue Reading →

The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling

Per Matt Garry Shandling lived multiple lives, in terms of his success in Hollywood. Each time it looked like he had plateaued, he would break on through to a higher plane. And then, improbably, he’d top his past successes, creating… Continue Reading →

IFC’s Rent-A-Pal Explores How Obsessed You Are With Wil Wheaton

When I first saw Ensign Wesley Crusher on the U.S.S. Enterprise, it was in an episode called “The Naked Now.” Basically, the entire crew became intoxicated on polywater. At this time, I was kinda new to Star Trek: The Next… Continue Reading →

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