Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag South Florida

Bad Monkey Should Be a Game Changer for Apple TV+

Apple TV+ is often regarded as a lesser-known streaming service, which is surprising given the platform’s impressive roster of high-budget productions and A-list stars. Unlike its more prominent competitors, Apple TV+ remains somewhat under the radar, despite featuring award-winning shows… Continue Reading →

The Ghosts of Flight 401 Take Flight

Per Matt Since the spooky season has already begun, I’ve got to make up for the lost time. Shock Docs: Ghosts of Flight 401 is My Guilty Pleasure!

Guardians of the Glades Proves that Pythons + Florida = Bad News

Monsters come in all shapes and sizes. In South Florida — all the way north to Central Florida! — that invasive species without a known predator is the Burmese python, which is currently slithering around, wiping out entire populations of… Continue Reading →

Jason David Frank Talks New Power Rangers Movie and Gritty Reboot

He’s faced multiple threats on television and movies as a Power Ranger, but one of the biggest struggles of Jason David Frank’s career is remaining grounded.

James Marsters Delights at Wizard World Fort Lauderdale

James Marsters is best known for his portrayal of Spike, the anti-hero vampire, from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series, but the television and voice actor began his acting career in a far less menacing role. “I started in… Continue Reading →

Sean Astin Talks The Lord of the Rings and The Goonies

Sean Astin shared stories of his 30-year acting career at Wizard World Comic Con Fort Lauderdale. Currently appearing on The Strain and voicing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Raphael, Astin answered questions about his fan-favorite movies and living the life of… Continue Reading →

Previewing Wizard World Comic Con Fort Lauderdale 2015

Fans from around South Florida will unite to celebrate their love of all things geek and pop culture as Wizard World Comic Con invades Fort Lauderdale at the Broward Convention Center on October 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 2015.

Cosplay Deviants Interview: Envy Us

Per Matt Envy Us is not your typical cosplayer.

Fatality Fest Interview: Andrea Amanda Albin, Owner of ADA Management Group

Per My Brother Andrea Amanda Albin has made a name for herself in the horror industry. After being introduced to the genre at a very young age, she worked as a horror journalist and was named Ms. Disgusting on the… Continue Reading →

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