Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag stalkers

Jadis Crosses Over Into Walking Dead’s World Beyond

As the Walking Dead Universe expands, new stories are told about the world where walkers, stalkers, lurkers, biters, growlers, infected and empties run wild. Lawlessness leads to global governments collapsing and the survival of the human race gets complicated. So… Continue Reading →

The Walking Dead Rallies the Troops One Last Time

Per Matt The final season of The Walking Dead may be overdrawn, spanning large portions of two separate calendar years. It may be a little long in the tooth. It may have gotten a little too gory at times. It… Continue Reading →

Kevin Smith’s Masters of the Universe Has Magic and Mayhem…

Per Matt …But He-Man’s mostly MIA through Part One (the first five episodes) of the Netflix animated series, Masters of the Universe: Revelation. Sure, he appears in the pilot and through brief flashbacks here and there, but the basis for… Continue Reading →

Will The Walking Dead Just Survive Somehow?

I hate Zoom meetings. Wait a minute, let me clarify that statement. While I’m not necessarily a fan of sitting through online virtual calls, I absolutely despise Zoom meetings disguised as TV shows. I get it, in-person options are kinda… Continue Reading →

Zack Snyder Cuts a New Franchise With Army of the Dead

Per Matt Army of the Dead has brought a lot of anticipation for horror fans who have wanted to see some new blood injected into the Zombie subgenre (even though Zack Snyder previously directed the great Dawn of the Dead… Continue Reading →

Life After Superheroes: Does Zack Snyder Need a Career Reboot?

Per Matt Tweaking comics canon for the big screen can be a tricky business. Whenever filmmakers alter beloved storylines by many, the fanboys and fangirls who grew up with those characters will generally speak out, while holding nothing back. They… Continue Reading →

George Romero’s Final Film is Back for More Dead!

Per Matt Not a whole lot can shock me early in the morning, while I’m still trying to wake up. But today, while sipping on some strong coffee, I was somewhat surprised to learn that George Romero’s final film will… Continue Reading →

Train to Busan Tries to Restart the Zombie Apocalypse Craze With Peninsula

Zombie movies and shows are finally on a downward spiral. The Walking Dead phenomenon seems to have finally run its course. With the comics series finished and only a single season left to air on television, I have to say… Continue Reading →

The Walking Dead Should ONLY Tell Anthology Stories

Per Matt I don’t think AMC network executives will ever be accused of leaving money on the table. Just as the basic cable channel spun-off Better Call Saul from Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead Universe has been heavily mined (and… Continue Reading →

Killing Off Fear’s Best Character Does Mean Something

Per Matt I’m not gonna lie: I got very emotional after watching Fear the Walking Dead‘s mid season premiere, “The Door.”

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