Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Sterling K. Brown

Is Frozen 2 Good or Great?

Six years ago, Disney opened a whole new world for fans when Frozen was released upon the masses. The film was widely acclaimed as one of, if not the best, Disney film of all time. It had all the marks… Continue Reading →

The Predator Franchise Should Rest In Peace

It’s been a long time since Schwarzenegger hollered, “Get to da choppa!” And sadly, out of the six movies the species has starred in, the first movie of the Predator Universe is still the best.

The Hunting of Man

“Certainly there is no hunting like the hunting of man and those who have hunted armed men long enough and like it, never really care for anything else thereafter.” Ernest Hemingway wrote that. I’m sure the Predator would agree.

The Nun vs. The Predator

I thought seeing The Nun would be great, but now we have another contender for scary movie of the moment: The Predator. Is it just me or do they think that when they put “THE” in front of their title,… Continue Reading →

Checking In to Hotel Artemis

Picture, if you will, a Los Angeles so fiscally and morally bankrupt that privatized firms now control utilities and civil defense in the metropolis that, unfortunately, seems to define America as a culture. Now, further imagine that those private firms… Continue Reading →

Hotel Artemis Invites You to a Free Movie Screening

Global Road Entertainment and Zombies In My Blog invite you to a free movie screening of Hotel Artemis next week in Nashville, Tennessee.

Preparing for The Predator

I am cautiously optimistic about The Predator movie, in spite of the by-the-numbers trailer.

Black Panther Refers to a Black Panther — Somehow People Are Offended

If there were an international ranking for time spent being offended about things, the U.S. would lead with about the same margin we have on our defense spending.

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