Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Sucker Punch

Life After Superheroes: Does Zack Snyder Need a Career Reboot?

Per Matt Tweaking comics canon for the big screen can be a tricky business. Whenever filmmakers alter beloved storylines by many, the fanboys and fangirls who grew up with those characters will generally speak out, while holding nothing back. They… Continue Reading →

Zack Snyder’s Next Movie Fights the Undead

From superheroes to the Zombie Apocalypse, Zack Snyder has decided to build a new type of extended universe, as the next movie he will be directing and producing will feature Zombies.

School’s a Killer in Deadly Class

High-school drama with the added stakes of being surrounded by trained killers, Deadly Class is a faithful adaptation of the comic book and makes for good television.

Cosplayer of the Month: Kassandra Cosplayer

Per Matt Christmas is almost here and that means seasonal-themed costumes are all the rage! In our Cosplayer of the Month interview, Kassandra Cosplayer discusses her holiday-themed photo shoot, adding seasonal flair to her costumes and going batty over Harley… Continue Reading →

Geek Goddess Interview: Solara

Per Matt Solara may be a big fan of Sailor Moon, but she’s also got a dark side. When she’s not modeling for Geek Goddess, she’s also a special-effects artist, creating the blood and gore for different horror movies. At… Continue Reading →

Cosplayer of the Month: Nicole Marie Jean

Per Matt She’s an artist, a sculptor and a seamstress… but Nicole Marie Jean is also our Cosplayer of the Month.

Cosplayer of the Month: Kimberly Dunaway

Per Matt Kimberly Dunaway is a true artist.

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