Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag supernatural comedy

Eternal Power Corrupts What We Do in the Shadows

Per Matt Living in New York feels like eternal damnation to the extreme, but when you’re bloodsuckers who happen to fail upwards — who never age, while you’re at it — it doesn’t seem so bad… 

WNUF Halloween Special Captures the Feel of ’80s Local Television

Even though I was born in the ’70s, I don’t remember any of it. The 1980s are where my memories begin to take shape. It was a fun time for kids. There were so many cool shows on. We had… Continue Reading →

All-Star Vampires Unite for Small-Screen Shadows

How would you behave if you were three 100-year-old vampires, living in New York, baring your souls while being followed by a documentary camera crew and you just accidentally killed an ancient one from the Old Country? In case you’ve… Continue Reading →

My Guilty Pleasure: Creepshow

What kind of images instantly come to your mind when Creepshow is mentioned? Not Shudder’s remake, but the movie from the ’80s.

Good Omens Makes the Apocalypse Fun

Good Omens, the televised comedy from the novel by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, nails the Apocalypse without it feeling like Armageddon.

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