Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag terrorist attack

Antebellum Dreams Up a Nightmare Scenario

Per Matt Whenever we may lay down and fall asleep, dreams can present pleasant escapes from reality. Places where our personal and professional goals are attainable, giving guidance to the real world. It’s also a place where our psychological fears… Continue Reading →

EPiX Brings the American Myth of Helter Skelter to Life

Per Matt Not every monster covered in Zombies In My Blog is fictional, but just about every one of them is spooky. And the scariest one of them all can be found in real life. The creepiest thing that I… Continue Reading →

Pure Terror? Blumhouse’s Hunt is Pure Garbage.

Per Matt I tried. I really tried to watch The Hunt with an open mind at a recent media-only screening, because I have been a loud-and-proud supporter of everything related to Blumhouse Productions from the studio’s beginnings, as Paranormal Activity… Continue Reading →

Deep State’s Second Season Seeks Vengeance

Who are the real people who run the country? Not the ones who give never-ending press conferences and social media posts… it’s the government agents working overseas, acting with our country’s best interests at stake. It’s the government contractors who… Continue Reading →

Jack Ryan Gets a Modern-Day Makeover

The Jack Ryan series on Amazon is a good, modern interpretation of the character from the Tom Clancy books. It’s not perfect, but it’s pretty good. As a fan of the Tom Clancy books and having watched all the Jack… Continue Reading →

Legion: What Exactly Happened in Season 1?

After binge watching Legion and re-watching many of those same eight episodes of Season 1 a second time, I’m still unsure of the show’s canon and what was a figment of the main character’s imagination, but it sure was great…. Continue Reading →

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