Per Matt A funny thing happened between Season 7 and Season 8 of Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Real life. While the Coronavirus may have delayed the series’ production schedule pushing back the current season premiere a little later than usual, that wasn’t… Continue Reading →
I’m not sure when exactly Brooklyn Nine-Nine became one of my favorite shows, but I realized when the series was briefly cancelled last year that I was devastated. That’s why I’ve been really looking forward to the show’s rebirth for Season… Continue Reading →
After the glorious disruptive success of the first film, the Merc With A Mouth has returned to cinemas in Deadpool 2, and this time he’s brought along some friends.
Preparing for the ridiculous roller coaster that is sure to be Deadpool 2, I wondered to myself: As soon as Disney’s purchase of FOX finalizes, how many of the current big-screen superhero projects will actually continue or will they all… Continue Reading →
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