Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag The Avengers

Loki Season 2 Should Allow Disney to Reboot the Kang Dynasty

Jonathan Majors, a talented actor whose star seemed destined to forever ascend, experienced a remarkable journey through the cinematic landscape, particularly within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. His introduction into the MCU was nothing short of grand, as he portrayed the… Continue Reading →

Hawkeye Aims to Reinvigorate the MCU

Per Matt Hawkeye’s got no superpowers. No super suit to send him flying high into the air. He’s not from an alien planet. And he’s not even the most popular Avenger. But here’s Jeremy Renner, starring in the latest Marvel… Continue Reading →

Even Chris Pratt Can’t Save The Tomorrow War

Chris Pratt may be one of the hottest stars in Hollywood right now. When you look over his resume, it’s not hard to see why. Movies like Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers and Jurassic World immediately jump off the page… Continue Reading →

Black Widow Drives Home That MCU Phase 3 is Over

We all knew it was coming. The end of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 3 has technically been over ever since WandaVision made its debut on Disney+ earlier this year. It should shock no one that once Steve Rogers hung… Continue Reading →

Loki is the Buddy Cop Show You Never Knew You Needed

Disney has been on a roll during the pandemic with their new television shows based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Since making epic, high-budget films was not something Hollywood could do much of during 2020, these shows help keep the… Continue Reading →

Stan Lee’s Origin Story is Revealed in Mutants, Monsters & Marvels

Lazy Sundays aren’t solely reserved for The Lonely Island. They’re the perfect time to clean out your DVR with programming you’ve really wanted to watch, but never actually made time for. So, while sipping on my Sunday morning coffee, I… Continue Reading →

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Brings Backstories to Superhero Sidekicks

Per Matt You may recognize these titular superheroes, but you may have never realized how much you actually related to them. So far, throughout their big-screen outings within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Sam Wilson (aka The Falcon, played by Anthony… Continue Reading →

We Need More WandaVision!

The Disney+ television series, WandaVision, has reached its end. The show, I will admit, was slow to start, but picked up steam by Episode 4. After that point, the show kicked on the afterburners, leading us on a twisting journey…. Continue Reading →

Chloé Zhao Ventures From Nomadland to Sci-Fi Western Dracula

Per Matt If you don’t already recognize the name, Chloé Zhao, it’s about time you made the introduction.

Bob’s Burgers Writers Serve Up Deadpool 3 Script

Does a Deadpool sequel, brought to you by the primary writers of Bob’s Burgers whet your appetite for more big-screen high jinx from The Merc with a Mouth? Corporate overlord Walt Disney Pictures hopes to serve comedy fans, as well… Continue Reading →

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