Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag The Bell Witch Cave

AMC Must Renew The Terror for a Third Season!

Supernatural horror gets historic in The Terror: Infamy.

Is Sir Noface the Paranormal Proof We Need?

I want to believe. Really, I do. The kid in me who grew up in the folklore-laden South hearing stories of the Bell Witch, Pukwudgies and all manner of other ghosts, specters, and spooks genuinely craves something indisputable to prove… Continue Reading →

Beware Voodoo Village

As a kid, I read lots of National Geographic magazines. I loved the articles about ancient ruins and ghost towns. There was a certain arcane and magical charm that I saw in those decaying structures. It was easy to picture… Continue Reading →

The Witch Becomes the Face of Indie Horror

Per Matt The woods haven’t been this scary since The Blair Witch first visited.

The Hospital Interview: Jim O’Rear

Per Matt Jim O’Rear is always up to something.

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