Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag voodoo

Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike by Nashville Repertory Theatre

Per Matt Nashville Rep’s final performance of the year goes out with a bang!

Undead Obsessed: Finding Meaning in Zombies

Part pop-culture examination, part personal journal and part hypothesis, Jessica Robinson’s non-fiction book uses the undead as a metaphor to explore real-world fears that could lead to a possible Zombie Apocalypse!

Fatality Fest Interview: April and Jimmyo Burril

Per Matt While attending the horror convention, Fatality Fest, we watched the indie horror movie, The Good Sisters, featuring Debbie Rochon and April Burril, written and directed by Jimmyo Burril. After the movie screening, the three gave a brief panel,… Continue Reading →

The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection From the Living Dead

THIS IS IT! The lightbulb above my head was lit after reading this book! It finally clicked. This book made sense and let me know I must prepare… and create a Webpage. Among other things.

Discovery Channel’s Zombie Apocalypse

In what has become an incredibly overused (and non-trademarked) phrase, the Discovery Channel rounds up some scientists and zombie preppers to hypothesize their what-if-zombies-become-a-reality scenarios.

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