Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag war on drugs

Blumhouse Brings Big Scares to Fall River Documentary

Per Matt From the introductory warning stating this program includes graphic depictions of rape, torture, murder, abuse, drug use, animal cruelty and offensive language, I immediately knew I was immersing myself with something sinister. To advise viewer discretion is stating… Continue Reading →

Manifest Finally Addresses Fan Service

Fan Service. Hidden deep within the dark halls of Hollywood’s major production studios are writers who prefer not to directly address the elephant in the room. It’s what keeps fandoms up at night, molding conspiracy theories around their favorite themes,… Continue Reading →

Belushi Doc Brings the Fame, Pain and Shame

For most people, celebrity is fleeting. Sometimes it can take years, decades and even a lifetime to finally make your mark in the pop-culture zeitgeist. And then there’s the kind of people whose burning desire and work ethic seemingly create… Continue Reading →

EPiX Brings the American Myth of Helter Skelter to Life

Per Matt Not every monster covered in Zombies In My Blog is fictional, but just about every one of them is spooky. And the scariest one of them all can be found in real life. The creepiest thing that I… Continue Reading →

The 2016 Golden Globes Nominations From a Geek’s Perspective

Per Matt The nominations have been announced for the 2016 Golden Globes awards ceremony and surprisingly, geek culture was embraced with the list. Here’s a quick look at the potential award winners, from a geek’s perspective.


Per Matt Sicario translates as a “hitman” in Spanish. In the Lionsgate movie of the same name, it takes a certain type of personality to tackle the war on drugs near the Mexico-U.S. border, one which meshes perfectly with the… Continue Reading →

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