Per Matt Not quite a werewolf story and not exactly one dealing with skinwalkers, directors Tomm Moore and Ross Stewart have created a successful Celtic-inspired animated tale in Wolfwalkers.
What’s more badass than a trident? How about wielding a knife and tomahawk?! If you can’t wait ’til Aquaman arrives in theaters this winter, might I recommend watching actor Jason Momoa in the series Frontier on Netflix.
The Walking Dead has experienced a roller coaster of highs and lows in its storyline throughout 2016. Daryl has joined the Saviors. Carl has become Negan’s apprentice. Maggie, Sasha and Enid are up on Hilltop. Eugene is making bullets. Carol and… Continue Reading →
“There is no hope and we’re on the road to nowhere.” As if the anticipation couldn’t be higher for the return of The Walking Dead, an AMC TV special takes a look back at the pop-culture phenomenon’s beginning through The… Continue Reading →
The Walking Dead returns with a blast on Valentine’s Day, as Daryl bombs his would-be carjackers with a bazooka.
Per Matt Robert Kirkman has famously mentioned that he created The Walking Dead as if it was a never-ending Zombie movie. Originally created as a graphic novel, The Walking Dead has become a pop-culture phenomenon and the highest-rated program on… Continue Reading →
At the half-way point, Season 6 of The Walking Dead has been a series of slight ups and downs, continuously going through the motions, but not really making much progress with the overall storyline, whatsoever. That scenario changes, slightly, with… Continue Reading →
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