If you saw Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them over the weekend, you may or may not recognize Dan Fogler. The 40-year-old actor portrays the American muggle Jacob Kowalski in the latest J.K. Rowling movie adaptation, but has lent… Continue Reading →
Enuattii was great to cast. With storyboards and character design from Yoni Limor, and the help of Trish and Katie at NECAT Network, we locked in our actors needed to bring the characters in the film to life.
Last year I wrote, produced and made my directorial debut with Lwa: All Saints’ Eve. This year, I’m back as writer/producer on Enuattii with Rashaad Santiago as director.
Have you ever had that moment when you feel like things are happening for a reason?
A24’s De Palma, directed by Noah Baumbach and Jake Paltrow, is about as direct a documentary as you could find. In just under two hours, film legend Brian De Palma recounts his entire filmmaking history, from his years at Columbia… Continue Reading →
In the introduction to my indie film article series posted a few weeks ago, I mentioned using the Indie Film Academy podcast as a reference point for my articles. Despite that claim, I am venturing off script to start the… Continue Reading →
Many Zombie films share the same tropes, where the remaining humans fight to survive against the hordes of the undead and, at times, themselves. Zombie with a Shotgun takes an interesting approach, putting the Zombie as the protagonist, fighting against… Continue Reading →
Rick Prince is contributing as a guest writer for Zombies In My Blog! In the immortal words of LL Cool J, “I admit it, the description of the killer… I fit it.”
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Catching Cooties: An Infectious Film
Per Matt Circle, circle, dot, dot, now you’ve got your Cooties shot. That imaginary vaccination won’t prevent a food-borne virus from reaching pandemic levels, turning every third- and fourth-grade student in Ft. Chicken, Illinois into undead terrors, but it’s a… Continue Reading →