Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag youth

Blitz is an Exploration of Love, Sacrifice and Resilience

The love a parent has for their child is often seen as the ultimate expression of selflessness. It’s a bond so profound and instinctive that it drives parents to take unimaginable risks and make tremendous sacrifices, in order to protect… Continue Reading →

EPiX Brings the American Myth of Helter Skelter to Life

Per Matt Not every monster covered in Zombies In My Blog is fictional, but just about every one of them is spooky. And the scariest one of them all can be found in real life. The creepiest thing that I… Continue Reading →

Creepy Children Spread Clive Barker’s Plague

Per Matt Fighting a relentless, faceless killer is one thing, but battling a herd of creepy children is even worse. Enter Clive Barker’s The Plague.

“Cursed Child” is Harry Potter for a Grown-Up Generation

It had been a long time since I had stood in line in a Barnes & Noble at midnight. In fact, it had been almost a decade, and it had been for the very same beloved book series: Harry Potter. With… Continue Reading →

Digital Killed the Video Star: A Review of VHS Massacre

Back in my formative years, if you wanted to see the newest-released movies outside of the theater, you had to travel down to the local video shop.

The 2016 Golden Globes Nominations From a Geek’s Perspective

Per Matt The nominations have been announced for the 2016 Golden Globes awards ceremony and surprisingly, geek culture was embraced with the list. Here’s a quick look at the potential award winners, from a geek’s perspective.

William Shakespeare’s The Phantom of Menace

Per Matt How could Quirk Books actually make Episode 1 lots of fun? Verily beseech author Ian Doescher, to get the job done. William Shakespeare’s The Phantom of Menace barely makes it look hard, Retelling George Lucas’ story, through the… Continue Reading →

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