For the longest time, The Walt Disney Company, as a motion-picture studio, generally never released sequels to its animated films in movie theaters. With the release of The Little Mermaid, followed by Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King… Continue Reading →
Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger has arrived. On… Freeform. Whatever the hell that is. Last week’s two-episode premiere of Cloak & Dagger introduced fans to a comic book duo they’ve likely never heard of till now: Tyrone and Tandy — Cloak… Continue Reading →
Hereditary is disgusting, exploitative and far from the subtle blend of psychological and visual horror we’ve come to expect from A24. With scenes of brutality and gut-wrenching emotional trauma unlike anything the company has produced before, the film is a… Continue Reading →
Picture, if you will, a Los Angeles so fiscally and morally bankrupt that privatized firms now control utilities and civil defense in the metropolis that, unfortunately, seems to define America as a culture. Now, further imagine that those private firms… Continue Reading →
Let’s pretend that the first Terminator movie had a baby with the original Robocop movie. What you would get would be Upgrade. It’s a thrilling horror-action film that doesn’t let up for a minute. There is no political agenda to… Continue Reading →
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has clocked in Season 5, and nobody turned to dust. Well, not yet at least. Central characters joined the body-count (sort-of), a sometimes overblown plot line was successfully buttoned up, and the show’s sixth season is… Continue Reading →
What if you were married to someone who also worked in the comic book industry? For horror comic illustrator Andrew Mangum, that’s not a “what if” question, the man is living the dream.
It’s here! The Falcon has landed. Solo: A Star Wars Story jumps out of hyperspace and into theaters this weekend, and audiences finally get to decide for themselves if this latest non-saga film passes muster. We got an early look… Continue Reading →
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