Per Matt
The 2017 Nashville Zombie Walk is fast approaching. Featured Artist Rick Prince is no stranger to creating undead creatures. Throughout the years, his eyes for detail have helped bring to life a variety of characters with the use of special effects. And now, as a filmmaker, he brings that same element to the big screen.
The Nashville Zombie Walk is proud to announce that Rick’s costume creations will be on full display on Saturday, October 28. Make sure to check out the details of the official event and give the Facebook page a like for more information. As the Nashville Zombie Walk Featured Artist and Creator, Rick discusses the undead, gives cosplay advice and details his recent creation for the Tennessee Titans.
– In the past, I’ve asked what Zombies meant to you. Do you hold Zombie Walks in the same light?
“Zombie Walks are an interesting phenomenon. There is nothing quite like seeing a Zombie horde with hundreds and hundreds of Zombies creeping down the streets of your hometown.”
– Did you participate in past Nashville Zombie Walks?
“I have been involved with several Zombie walks, Zombie runs, marathons, etc… and YES, specifically, the Nashville Zombie Walk. We created a small horde of characters a couple of years ago, including my daughter Téa, and several members of my team and volunteers.”
– In your opinion, what kind of role does a Zombie Walk play in a local community?
“Organized Zombie walks are a great way to be able to focus all of the participants to contribute to local charities. Any time you can rally a large number of people toward a positive community goal it is a good time.”
– What does it mean to be the featured artist and creator of the 2017 Nashville Zombie Walk?
“It is an honor. I am proud to be Nashville’s Mighty Men and Monster Maker. I have grown up in Nashville, Tennessee and have spent my life making creatures of all kinds. Now that my career has evolved to include writing, directing and producing films… I am happy, as always, to exercise my special effects artist creativity in fun and interesting ways. The Nashville Zombie Walk allows me to get out in my local community and meet some amazing people with similar interests, help the Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee, and have a great time with makeup FX!!”
– How many of your costume creations will be leading the Walk? Won’t you have at least two creatures lurking about?
“Yes… maybe more? You never know, once the infection begins, how far it might spread. The plan is to create two “hero” Zombies for the Nashville Zombie Walk that are part of the event team. Consider them our walking dead co-hosts with non-speaking roles. Ha ha! I just wanted to add to the fun and donating a couple of screen-ready Zombies to have at their disposal was a welcomed idea when I offered it to Lucas Leverett with the Nashville Zombie Walk. Jaymz ‘Mez’ Banks will be returning to my makeup chair once again. Mez is a great performer and actor, and I’ll put makeup on him any chance I get.”
Photo Courtesy: Rick Prince
– What kind of undead advice can you give to Zombie Walk participants?
“The first rule of fright club: Be respectful!!! In all ways. Remember what we all look like when we are out there in public. Be physically respectful of others and their personal space. We are here to have fun and, if possible, make it fun and at least an unforgettable spectacle of bizarre and peaceful commonality.”
*NOTE — DO NOT MAKE A BLOODY MESS! Feel free to make one of yourself and come looking like total carnage, but DON’T leave anything behind. No bloody handprints on store fronts of our friends and neighbors, like some dumbass bad apple in our bunch of good, wholesome Zombies! Please and thank you.
“By ‘keeping it clean’ in all ways, we get to do these awesome events with the cooperation of our community and our great city.”
– What kind of costume tips can you give to the Zombie cosplayers?
“Use trusted resources. If you are looking to create a makeup (of any kind), do your research. If you are looking online, be sure you are following reputable instructions. #SafetyFirst”
“DO NOT GLUE THINGS TO YOUR EYES!!! Please!! This is a dangerous online trend that can cost you your vision. No coke cans, pencils, fake shards of glass, or anything that can accidentally be pushed into your eyes.”
– What’s the most recent Zombie movie you’ve watched and enjoyed?
“Game of Thrones. Damn, that last season was SO GOOD!!! #NoSpoilers But, I will say that I loved getting to see different species zombified. Seeing the different anatomy of a variety of creatures was one (of many) of my favorite parts of the incredible special effects palette on GoT. I am excited to see where the The Walking Dead, as a series, goes from here. I have grown to love Ezekiel and have always been a fan of Morgan, as well as some of the rest of the core group, so I’m curious about how things are going to shake down and who is going to remain part of the living.”
“OK, so those are series, not movies.”
– Slow or fast? What’s your preferred speed for the undead?
“Slow. Realistic (as possible in fiction) is always better for me. I love science. I have also been a firefighter with EMS training, and been an organ donor processor for a medical facility here in Nashville… and have seen all of the facets of the life cycle for humans, beginning to end and after being recycled into life once again. Fascinating creatures, us humans. So, when we begin to deteriorate… I want to see that represented more accurately. Muscle and tissue break down and won’t allow for a fast Zombie. However, If there is an infection phase, I can see the fast Zombie concept in the beginning stage. My friend, Sonya Thompson (The Walking Dead), gave a great instruction on proper Zombie movement, here at NECAT Network. Slow yo roll, Zombie.”
– What kind of Halloween traditions do you enjoy each year?
“I like them all, except for the candies I don’t like. #CandyCornIsGross and BACK OFF Christmas! You are creeping all up in my favorite holiday’s space!”
– Do you have any upcoming NECAT presentations for 2017?
“Looking at 2018!”
– Are you currently filming any movies?
“All of my films are in post-production. PuppetMaster: The Littlest Reich will most likely be the first to market.”
– Do you have any upcoming screenings planned in Nashville for your recent movies?
“Not at the moment, but I would hope to see them all available publicly in 2018.”
– Is there anything else you’d like to add?
“I love Zombies, but I don’t always make monsters… I also love Titans. I am grateful for the recent opportunity to have been asked by the Tennessee Titans to create a new character mascot for them in the NFL. Dion Harris made his debut at our first home game as the new Tennessee Titan as my latest creation. Big thanks to Sheri DiGiovanna (my costume designer from Lwa and Enuattii) for her help and contributions to this costume. #WinterIsComing We are currently working on the cold weather version.”
Photo Courtesy: Rick Prince