Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Alabama Phoenix Festival

Calling All Cosplayers: We’d Like to Interview You!

If you’re a cosplayer with unique costumes and you can offer something original, unlike anybody else, we’d like to interview you!

Guys From Andromeda Interview: Chris Pope

Per Matt The Space Pope has been keeping busy, while taking a SpaceVenture.

The Hospital Interview: Jim O’Rear

Per Matt Jim O’Rear is always up to something.

The Hospital Interview: Scott Tepperman

Per Matt What happens when a Ghost Hunter shoots a film in a haunted hospital?

Birmingham Mountain Radio Interview: Will Lochamy

Per Matt Will Lochamy is a balancing artist. Not only is he the Yelp: Birmingham Community Manager, but he also co-hosts The Iron Bowl Hour on TV alongside his brother, Reed Lochamy, and is an On-Air Personality on Birmingham Mountain… Continue Reading →

Fatality Fest Interview: April and Jimmyo Burril

Per Matt While attending the horror convention, Fatality Fest, we watched the indie horror movie, The Good Sisters, featuring Debbie Rochon and April Burril, written and directed by Jimmyo Burril. After the movie screening, the three gave a brief panel,… Continue Reading →

DragonCon Interview: Tony Gowell

Per Matt Tony Gowell has a working knowledge of multiple genres. For 13 years, this native Georgian has first volunteered at DragonCon, and now is a full-time employee of the Southern convention that continues to grow, year by year. During… Continue Reading →

The Walking Dead Interview: Tony Gowell

Per Matt Tony Gowell was lucky enough to scratch an entry off his bucket-list: Performing as a Zombie in an international hit. Not once, but twice, has Tony donned the makeup to become an undead minion. First it was on… Continue Reading →

The Walking Dead Interview: Alex Wayne

Per Matt You may not recognize him without his makeup, but Alex Wayne played a pivotal role in Season Three of The Walking Dead: He played the Zombie who put Lori out of her misery! At the Alabama Phoenix Festival,… Continue Reading →

The Walking Dead Interview: Erin Bushko

Per Matt Erin Bushko is a busy, busy person. When she’s not working on The Walking Dead, she’s running a costume company, a clothing-design company and touring the country for four months with the Georgia Ensemble Theatre. But when she… Continue Reading →

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