Fewer things get my blood pumping better than haunted houses. The smells. The sights. The sounds. The anticipation. All of these things lead to much fun to be had, once I enter those darkened hallways. Probably the only thing that I… Continue Reading →
Greetings, fiends! Welcome back to another installment of #hauntlife with your ghoulish host, Jason Kittrell. I know it has been a long time since my last post, but wow, a lot has changed in my #hauntlife.
Picture it now: You and your friends are trapped inside the confines of one of the scariest haunted attractions in the country. Alone in the dark, you are being hunted by the walking dead, vile creatures hellbent on feasting on… Continue Reading →
Atlanta Zombie Apocalypse 2013: Can you Survive the Zombie Apocalypse at Ground Zero?
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