Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Not ALL Pumpkin Beer is Basic!

Per Matt For many years, children of all ages have enjoyed trick or treating. The anticipation for a surprise… something sweet, something unique and only available one time of year grows the holiday tradition and brings smiles to many faces…. Continue Reading →

My Guilty Pleasure: It Stains the Sands Red

Zombies. Las Vegas. When crafting a story that involves the Zombie Apocalypse taking place in Sin City, it’s gotta have “sure-fire hit” written all over it. Right?

GoT Season 7 Premiere: Revenge, Survival and the Fluctuation of Power

“When people ask you what happened here, tell them the North remembers. Tell them winter came for House Frey.”

Is Winter Here Yet? Game of Thrones Finally Returns for Season 7!

Fans of George R.R. Martin’s novels and the TV show adapted from them, Game of Thrones, have been waiting quite some time for the series’ continuation. It has been six years since the release of A Dance With Dragons, the… Continue Reading →

Stephen King’s Fantasy Western Brought to Life

Stephen King is known as the unrivaled master of horror. Of his fifty-six novels, most fall into this category. Within the first decade of his works, King wrote exclusively in the genres of horror, thriller and science fiction, often combining… Continue Reading →

The Defenders are Coming

If you were a part of the audience who contributed to the $145 million for the opening weekend of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, then there is a good chance you saw the trailer for Netflix’s The Defenders. The… Continue Reading →

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