Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag awkward humor

Is Charlie Kaufman Really Thinking of Ending Things?

Per Matt I’ll admit, throughout the years, I’ve become somewhat obsessed with the writer, Charlie Kaufman (not to be confused with the director, Charlie Kaufman). Being John Malkovich was a pure joy. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was terribly… Continue Reading →

Showtime Punches the Right Ticket for The Comedy Store

Per Matt Stand-up comedy of the ’70s changed show business forever. Who knew all it would take was a divorcee with three kids running a nightclub as if the comedians were her own family to kickstart it all? This is… Continue Reading →

Congrats to Seth Green, Robot Chicken for 200 Episodes!

Per Matt Saturday morning cartoons. Just the simple concept of three network television channels airing four or five straight hours of animated TV shows (sometimes longer!) every weekend can be an alien concept for millennials to comprehend. Back in the… Continue Reading →

Jackie Daytona, Great Guests Propel Shadows to the 2020 Emmys

Per Matt Recognition is something everybody covets, whether it’s from our peers or our employers. We all want to be told that we’re doing a good job and that others have noticed. This may be more true for those in… Continue Reading →

My Spy Proves That Dave Bautista Is No Arnold Schwarzenegger

Growing up, Arnold Schwarzenegger was the quintessential action movie star. Basically, if you wanted a strong, muscle-bound hero who just oozed charisma, Arnold was your man. Starting with Conan The Barbarian, I was hooked on him. I remember my mom… Continue Reading →

Vampires Receive a Temporary Stay of Execution in Shadows’ Finale

Per Matt There’s certain rules that need to be followed when creating a horror-comedy series about a trio of vampires who live in Staten Island, New York. They can’t survive being caught in sunlight, or they’ll die. They can transform… Continue Reading →

The Orville Season 2, So Far

I had been looking forward to the return of The Orville on television. I had enjoyed much of the first season and often watched it with my dad, who’s a big fan of sci-fi like the old Star Trek.

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