Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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The Last Voyage of the Demeter is Another Universal Failure

Universal holds a special place in my heart. Being a devoted fan of horror movies, some of my earliest memories in this genre are intertwined with the Universal Monsters: Dracula, Frankenstein, Wolfman and The Mummy. These legendary characters held immense… Continue Reading →

Snoop, Shatner and a Sharknado Reunion Spotlight Shark Week ’21

Per Matt Still drying off from the splash zone of Discovery’s Shark Week, the 2021 edition dove to new depths for highlights galore. But before discussing the new, let’s swim with the fishes of the network’s offerings of yesteryear.

Nat Geo’s SharkFest Bites!

Hunt. Kill. Eat or be eaten. What’s a summer without sharks? Since many movie theaters are currently closed to the general public (yet there’s still no sequel to The Meg) and my main source of entertainment being basic cable (not… Continue Reading →

Guardians of the Glades Proves that Pythons + Florida = Bad News

Monsters come in all shapes and sizes. In South Florida — all the way north to Central Florida! — that invasive species without a known predator is the Burmese python, which is currently slithering around, wiping out entire populations of… Continue Reading →

Frist Art Museum Remembers The Nashville Flood: Ten Years Later

Per Matt When the rain came, Nashville was never the same. Currently appearing at the Frist Art Museum through May 17, The Nashville Flood: Ten Years Later recalls the Great Flood of 2010, which, for the most part, went underreported… Continue Reading →

Survival Horror Gets an Old-School Treatment in The Terror

Part historical thriller, part survival horror (akin to The Walking Dead), The Terror is loosely based on a true story… but it feels more like John Carpenter’s The Thing.

Game of Thrones: It’s Time We Had a Talk

All right, let me set two things straight, right off the bat. I am a huge fan of both A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones. I started reading the books and later devoured them after watching… Continue Reading →

Dead Men Tell No Tales Puts Pirates Back on Course

You have to hand it to a company who can maintain a massively profitable film franchise, borne of a 50-year-old amusement park ride. Like it or not, the Pirates of the Caribbean film series has made a big mark on… Continue Reading →

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