Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Bombshell

Zack Snyder Cuts a New Franchise With Army of the Dead

Per Matt Army of the Dead has brought a lot of anticipation for horror fans who have wanted to see some new blood injected into the Zombie subgenre (even though Zack Snyder previously directed the great Dawn of the Dead… Continue Reading →

COVID Complications Can’t Close BattleBots

Per Matt When the global pandemic was first spreading like wildfire earlier this year, I knew the entertainment industry would soon face some drastic changes. Little did I realize consuming overpriced popcorn and watered-down Cokes at movie theaters would be… Continue Reading →

Oscar Voters Finally Saw the Light

In case you missed the 92nd Academy Awards, you’re not alone. Presented by the Motion Picture Academy of Arts and Sciences and airing last night on the ABC network, the awards ceremony that spent more than three hours patting itself… Continue Reading →

Music City Film Critics’ Association Nominates the Top Movies of 2019

Per Matt The nominations are in and Once Upon A Time… In Hollywood leads the way for the Music City Film Critics in 2019.

Jojo Rabbit Dances Around Heavy Topics

Per Matt Taika Waititi is a genius. I’ll admit it, I was late to the party to figure it out, but after watching Thor: Ragnarok, I finally came to my senses. The way he balanced the complicated character with lighthearted… Continue Reading →

BattleBots Builds Biggest Season Ever

It’s robot fighting time as 67 competing robots representing nine different countries face off in the largest field of competitors ever for BattleBots!

BattleBots Takes a Bite (Force) Out of Its Competition

Now that Thanksgiving has passed and I had a chance to clean out the ole DVR, I had a moment to reflect on the past season of BattleBots and give thanks.

BattleBots is Bringin’ it Back to a Couple of New Channels

Somehow, I never got the memo. Nobody told me that BattleBots was back… and this year, the robot combat sport is bringin’ it to a pair of new channels. Naturally, I missed the season premiere and the second episode (“It’s… Continue Reading →

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