Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Christmas treat

The Lego Star Wars Holiday Special is the Life Day Miracle We Need, But Don’t Deserve

Christmas, Christmastime is here. Time to put away the horror and slasher flicks (mostly) and focus more on the family aspect of my life. After my divorce last year, I have been looking for family activities and movies for my… Continue Reading →

Klaus Gives Santa a Sentimental Origin Story

Per Matt Klaus is a Christmas treat for fans of animated films.

Santa’s Slay is the Perfect Holiday Horror Flick

Tis the season to be jolly. Time to take some time off work and spend time with those you love. And during this time, we sit around the TV, watching classic films like It’s A Wonderful Life, Miracle of 34th… Continue Reading →

Watching Christmas-Adjacent Movies

Die Hard, Lethal Weapon and Gremlins are three movies that immediately come to mind when I think of movies that take place during Christmastime, but are not Christmas movies. So, what are some Christmas-adjacent movies you could watch this December?

12 Anti-Christmas Movies of Christmas

Every December, television is awash with saccharine and joyous Christmas-themed entertainment, which is sometimes perfectly fine. But sometimes you just want to revel in darkness and despair, even during the most wonderful time of the year. With that in mind,… Continue Reading →

It’s a SpongeBob Christmas!

In the spirit of the Rankin/Bass stop-motion holiday specials of years past, It’s a SpongeBob Christmas! arrives as a holiday classic for a new generation. Clearly inspired by Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, mixed with a dash of How the Grinch… Continue Reading →

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