Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag classic zombies

Seoul Station Should Be Renamed “Generic Cash-Grab Zombie Movie”

For those of you who read my articles, you know that while I am critical of films, I also try to remove my own bias and rate films for what they are. Many times I have found myself hating a… Continue Reading →

My Guilty Pleasure: The Cured

Ever wonder what it’s like to become a walking, undead monster? What about turning back into a human, after spending four long years as a Zombie, constantly haunted by nightmares of what you’ve done? Horror movies will never be the… Continue Reading →

A Nashville Zombie Walk FAQ

The Nashville Zombie Walk is returning Sunday, October 21st to Nashville’s Public Square and here’s everything you need to know.

Day of the Dead: Bloodline — Some Films Are Better Off Dead

Day of the Dead has never been my favorite Romero Zombie film by any stretch of the imagination, but I still consider it an integral part of the franchise and a good film. There were some original concepts and characters… Continue Reading →

The Return of the Living Dead: The Nashville Zombie Walk

“They’re coming to get you, Barbara.” – Johnny, Night of the Living Dead It’s amazing how a single phrase like that can usher in a completely new era, but in six words, George Romero and John Russo established what would… Continue Reading →

Apocalypse Rising: A Dragon Con Interview With Shannon Chesnut

Per Matt When the end of the world arrives, will you be ready? Whether it’s due to a Zombie Apocalypse, a Sharknado, an invasion of little green men or you’re simply a doomsday prepper getting ready for the world to… Continue Reading →

Remembering Romero

The horror genre has seen so many innovators craft it into a wide-ranged spectacle of terror. Filmmakers such as Wes Craven and John Carpenter spearheaded the slasher subgenre and created other classics for horror fans. But one particular genre cannot… Continue Reading →

Calling All Cosplayers: We’d Like to Interview You!

If you’re a cosplayer with unique costumes and you can offer something original, unlike anybody else, we’d like to interview you!

Redbox Rental: State of Emergency

Someone, somewhere surely thought it was a good idea to cash in on the success of AMC’s The Walking Dead and make an ultra-low-budget Zombie movie, without Zombies!

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