If you’re a fan of mysteries and a neverending supply of cliffhangers, you should definitely check out Manifest.
I watched The Leftovers final episode last Sunday, hoping for the satisfying ending that Lost never gave me, and though I’m not sure Lindelhoff gave me much resolution, I can say this finale has been stewing around in my head almost constantly… Continue Reading →
Alien: Covenant hits theaters on May 19, almost five years after the release of Prometheus, Ridley Scott’s previous foray into the Alien Universe. So, why is he now releasing a movie with “Alien” in the title, when, by all accounts, it should… Continue Reading →
Per Matt Tomorrowland feels like a science experiment. No safe choices were made during its construction. It’s a Petri dish full of the unknown. Nothing about this Disney film follows your typical Hollywood blockbuster stereotype.
Per Matt Boldly going where no geek dares, Star Trek Into Darkness weaves into and out of canonical territory, causing a stir among fans.
Back in the Dark Ages (throughout the Original Trilogy and just before the Prequel Trilogy), the one sure-fire way to boost magazine sales was to splash anything remotely Star Wars related on your magazine covers. With no World Wide Web… Continue Reading →
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Redbox Rental: World War Z
At what point do you resign yourself to an insurmountable force? One that never seems to end?