Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Damon Lindelof

Pure Terror? Blumhouse’s Hunt is Pure Garbage.

Per Matt I tried. I really tried to watch The Hunt with an open mind at a recent media-only screening, because I have been a loud-and-proud supporter of everything related to Blumhouse Productions from the studio’s beginnings, as Paranormal Activity… Continue Reading →

Manifest and the Neverending Cliffhanger

If you’re a fan of mysteries and a neverending supply of cliffhangers, you should definitely check out Manifest.

Ruminating on The Leftovers Finale

I watched The Leftovers final episode last Sunday, hoping for the satisfying ending that Lost never gave me, and though I’m not sure Lindelhoff gave me much resolution, I can say this finale has been stewing around in my head almost constantly… Continue Reading →

Prometheus was a Beautiful Misfire

Alien: Covenant hits theaters on May 19, almost five years after the release of Prometheus, Ridley Scott’s previous foray into the Alien Universe.  So, why is he now releasing a movie with “Alien” in the title, when, by all accounts, it should… Continue Reading →

The Leftovers: Charlatan or The Real Deal?

Some time ago, J.J. Abrams gave a TED talk. In that presentation he goes on at length about the concept of mystery in cinema and life. He shows the audience what he calls a mystery box, and explains his fascination… Continue Reading →

Guest Review: Tomorrowland

It’s time to remember the future, the way it needs to be.


Per Matt Tomorrowland feels like a science experiment. No safe choices were made during its construction. It’s a Petri dish full of the unknown. Nothing about this Disney film follows your typical Hollywood blockbuster stereotype.

Redbox Rental: Star Trek Into Darkness

Per Matt Boldly going where no geek dares, Star Trek Into Darkness weaves into and out of canonical territory, causing a stir among fans.

Redbox Rental: World War Z

At what point do you resign yourself to an insurmountable force? One that never seems to end?

Star Wars In The News: LEGO Club, Bloomberg, Wired and Robot Combat League

Back in the Dark Ages (throughout the Original Trilogy and just before the Prequel Trilogy), the one sure-fire way to boost magazine sales was to splash anything remotely Star Wars related on your magazine covers. With no World Wide Web… Continue Reading →

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