Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Blitz is an Exploration of Love, Sacrifice and Resilience

The love a parent has for their child is often seen as the ultimate expression of selflessness. It’s a bond so profound and instinctive that it drives parents to take unimaginable risks and make tremendous sacrifices, in order to protect… Continue Reading →

Me, Myself & the Void Offers a Glimpse Into the Tragedy of Comedians

I’ve always been struck by the tragic irony that some of the funniest people to ever grace the stage or screen — people like Robin Williams, John Belushi and Chris Farley — were also the ones hiding the deepest pain…. Continue Reading →

Holiday Horror Gets Isolated in The Lodge

Per Matt When you think of a stereotypical horror movie, what kind of setting immediately pops into your mind? Is it a haunted house? A high school, perhaps? What about a summer camp? What if Purgatory was a snowy cabin… Continue Reading →

World’s Most Unexplained Spotlights Unsolved Mysteries

When you look back to particularly weird situations in your past, moments when you might have had bad feelings about something about to happen, when a pain aches in your gut, telling you not to do something… you really should… Continue Reading →

Saturdays in the South = SEC Football

Per Matt Never worship your heroes. But in the South, it’s a way of life. Tradition. Reverence. Familiarity. Pageantry. And Family. These are only a handful of elements involved with college football, which brings people together each year who might… Continue Reading →

My Guilty Pleasure: Hell or High Water

Per Matt Well deserved or not, the heist genre has received a lot of criticism throughout the years (most recently from Rick and Morty). Implementing the double cross can be tricky business, especially when the screenwriter’s attempts at maintaining reality… Continue Reading →

Dark Secrets Haunt Perpetual Grace, LTD

Per Matt Life is complicated, and as the characters of the EPIX TV show learn the hard way, nothing ever happens according to plan. Eventually, though, they get into the rhythm of Season 1 in Perpetual Grace, LTD, which only… Continue Reading →

EPIX Seeks Perpetual Grace

Per Matt As the opening quote by Alfred Hitchcock sets the tone for the series premiere of Perpetual Grace, LTD, the modern noir drama opens as a son is disowned by his parents, looking for a disillusioned random person to… Continue Reading →

Stranger Things: Horror Icons in the Making

Stranger Things has been a breakout success in every way imaginable, as it’s created a unique and engaging story with deep, fully realized characters and a style like nothing we’ve really seen before. Coupled with a healthy dose of ’80s… Continue Reading →

The Horror Within Takes a Dark Look at Post-Apocalyptic Family Life

So, you are just in the backyard, enjoying a day with the family. Your wife is helping you plant some new items in your small garden, while your daughter is running around playing. The world couldn’t be any more beautiful…. Continue Reading →

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