Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag disturbing activity

The Riddler May be The Batman’s Greatest Villain

Riddle me this. Riddle me that. Who’s the biggest threat to the big, black bat? It’s a question that has been presented to Batman fans since the character was introduced. For many (including myself) the only true threat that the… Continue Reading →

What’s the Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch?

If you’re a fan of the supernatural, there aren’t too many things that might surprise you. Unusual phenomena? Animal mutilations? Electrical disturbances? Unidentified flying objects? All of these incidents have been reported at Blind Frog Ranch. And these are some… Continue Reading →

Jason Hawes Explores the Most Terrifying Locations

I’m all about good ghost stories. I mean, I love them! Having grown up (and returned to live in) a house that’s almost 200 years old that includes several graves of its previous inhabitants located within jumping distance of my… Continue Reading →

IFC’s Rent-A-Pal Explores How Obsessed You Are With Wil Wheaton

When I first saw Ensign Wesley Crusher on the U.S.S. Enterprise, it was in an episode called “The Naked Now.” Basically, the entire crew became intoxicated on polywater. At this time, I was kinda new to Star Trek: The Next… Continue Reading →

Quarantine Life Provokes More Ghost Adventures

Per Matt What happens to paranormal investigators who rile up dark entities during the high-panic and high-anxiety times of a pandemic? That’s a topic the Ghost Adventures Crew hopes to explore during the four-part miniseries, Quarantine: Perimeter of Fear.

What’s the Secret of Skinwalker Ranch?

Many, many paranormal and supernatural anomalies can be found on the mysterious 512-acre plot of land in Uintah County, Utah. And a new investigative group has formed to explore the unknown in The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch.

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