Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag drug abuse

Rejection, Redemption and Rebranding: Season 3 of Get Shorty

Per Matt For Season 3, Get Shorty reboots its storyline as the entertainment industry experiences blackmail during the #MeToo era in the EPIX showbiz satire.

Organized Crime Gets Bumped Off as Harlem’s Godfather Hits the Streets

Per Matt Organized crime. Gangsters. The Mafia. Crime lords. The kingpin. A mob boss. Hitmen. A made man. Wise guys. Every element depicting the true-crime aspect of America’s (and Italy’s) not-long-ago past always intrigues me, so I was very curious… Continue Reading →

The End is Near for Preacher

Whether it’s judgement day, doomsday or simply the Apocalypse, the end is near for Preacher. Figuratively and literally.

Legion Takes a Far-Out Mindtrip for Season 3

How does a TV show advance its storyline once it invokes a time traveler, who will simply remove any updates? Much like past seasons’ questions of Legion, how do you show repercussions on a show when almost everything is happening… Continue Reading →

Bring Back More History of Horror!

If you could go to a film school where actors, authors, film editors, critics, scholars, producers and screenwriters explained the importance of movies throughout history, you’d jump at the chance to hear Greg Nicotero, Quentin Tarantino, Stephen King, John Landis, Jason… Continue Reading →

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