Per Matt Expanding a well-known character’s backstory is tricky business. On one hand, you’ve got network executives who simply ask for a fun, somewhat believable series that people will like. On the other hand, you’ve got the fandom purists who… Continue Reading →
Much like a surprise attack by a mega herd of walkers, Robert Kirkman has surprised an entire industry, as well as legions of The Walking Dead fans with a major plot twist: After years of bragging about how he deliberately… Continue Reading →
As discussed in Part One, Geek Culture is destroying itself from the inside, and the toxic fandom elements among us make you sometimes wish there could be a “Thanos Snap” to return balance to the geek media and convention scene…. Continue Reading →
Geek Culture is destroying itself from the inside and the perpetrators have expanded their demographics to a diversity that would be inspiring, if it were not ultimately a force for fandom evil. Pettiness, deception and entitlement abound in the modern… Continue Reading →
Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger started off strong, with mixed reviews in fandom circles. Inexplicably unpleasable geeks trashed it in substance and style, while others (including me) celebrated its many positive aspects. It is hard, however, to agree that the finale… Continue Reading →
Star Wars fans are upset about The Last Jedi… I mean really upset… like, upset enough to sign a petition to have Disney strike Episode VIII from the Star Wars canon. A petition that has accumulated more than 52,000 signatures… Continue Reading →
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