Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag final girl

The Menu Skips Some Key Ingredients

I don’t consider myself much of a food connoisseur. If you look at me, you might think otherwise (imagine Kevin Smith before he lost the weight). I like to eat. And not that healthy stuff. I am a meat-and-potatoes kinda… Continue Reading →

Blumhouse Productions Must Release Another Compendium of Horror!

Per Matt As All Hallows’ Eve grows ever closer and the spooky season simply seems way too short, Blumhouse’s Compendium of Horror comes to a head. But why must this be the conclusion for such a great limited series? Now,… Continue Reading →

The Top 10 Must-See Shudder Movies for Halloween

Halloween is upon us again. In years past, it has been my favorite time of year. As I worked in the haunted-attractions business for so long, it feels awkward not to be a part of one this year (I had… Continue Reading →

If Halloween Ends, What’s Next for the Franchise?

Per Matt I make no bones that John Carpenter’s Halloween is one of my all-time favorite horror movies. While much has been made of its shoestring budget, I truly enjoyed the storyline, which was groundbreaking in 1978 and still holds… Continue Reading →

Blumhouse’s Compendium of Horror Gets Historically Spooky!

Per Matt Eli Roth isn’t the only filmmaker allowed to explore the history of big-screen horrors. Just in time for the spooky season, EPIX has released a five-part documentary series exploring Blumhouse’s Compendium of Horror.

Smile Gives Me an Evil Grin for the Spooky Season

Per Matt The unexplained should not always be scary; but quite often, it is. Irrational fears can grow after experiencing something new, unexpected and unknown. But when all of these elements fit together nicely in a film, you’ve got yourself… Continue Reading →

From Porno to Pulp: A24’s X Enjoys Pleasure Before Pain

Per Matt What happens when an aspiring group of entrepreneurs films a pornographic movie on a rural Texas farm without revealing the finer details to the property’s owners? A24 Films’ latest release, X, exposes its true themes as it repositions… Continue Reading →

Hulu’s Fresh Brings New Meaning to “Dinner Date”

Take it from me: Trying to find someone special is extremely hard after 40. Ever since my divorce, I have done almost everything I have been told I should be doing to get my dating life back on track. I… Continue Reading →

Michael Myers Returns (Finally!) and Halloween Kills

Per Matt The brutal rivalry/competition between Laurie Strode and Michael Myers is endless. Good vs. evil duking it out during a creepy holiday felt like great storytelling more than 40 years ago, so what’s an apex predator to do for… Continue Reading →

A Classic Horror Story Creates Creepy Crawlies in Any Language

Per Matt A broken-down RV in the middle of a European forest. No phone service for this group of ride-sharing tourists. An isolated cabin in the woods that is filled with creepy pictures. Hungry, blood-lusting villagers are somehow connected to… Continue Reading →

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