Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Robert Eggers Breathes New Life into Nosferatu

My first brush with horror came one quiet afternoon when King Kong aired on cable TV. We had just gotten the cable box, and as I explored the channels, the sight of the massive ape rampaging through the jungle and… Continue Reading →

Blitz is an Exploration of Love, Sacrifice and Resilience

The love a parent has for their child is often seen as the ultimate expression of selflessness. It’s a bond so profound and instinctive that it drives parents to take unimaginable risks and make tremendous sacrifices, in order to protect… Continue Reading →

Horrific Sounds Haunt The Zone of Interest

Movies serve as a means of escapism, offering a temporary respite from the demands of reality. They allow me to suspend the real world for a few hours and immerse myself in alternate realms. I find a particular allure in… Continue Reading →

Priscilla Reveals a Darker Side of Elvis

Per Matt Now that November has arrived and the awards season inches ever closer despite the lingering SAG-AFTRA Hollywood strike, the need for entertainment options grows even greater as the holidays approach. A24 Films offers its prestige picture, Priscilla, which… Continue Reading →

Film Masters Offers Seasonal Screams with Beast from Haunted Cave Special Edition

Per Matt Just in time for Halloween, Film Masters releases Beast from Haunted Cave Special Edition, which is sure to add some seasonal screams to the spooky season!

Living Space or Nazi Undead? Either Way, It’s My Guilty Pleasure.

How do you like your horror films? If you think a Groundhog Day-type of storyline with a side of jump scares is your thing, then please allow me to introduce My Guilty Pleasure. Whether known as Nazi Undead or Living… Continue Reading →

Treadstone Reawakens Cold War Fears

Members of the CIA are running an unsanctioned global operation — some would call it a criminal syndicate — and “America wants to win.” If that doesn’t sum up 10 episodes of Treadstone, which basically tells the origin story of… Continue Reading →

Josh Gates Explores Unusual and Legendary Locations

Sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction and some of the most exotic destinations around the globe have the most bizarre and unusual backstories that are based upon folklore and urban legends. Josh Gates has chronicled these places, with their history,… Continue Reading →

A Cure for Wellness is Down With the Sickness

Back in the early to mid ’80s, if you lived in the rural South, you rented your films at the local convenience store. VHS tapes were really expensive back then, so stores would trade out B-titles with each other. My… Continue Reading →

Celebrating Alternate History: The Man in the High Castle

Per Matt As a fan of alternate-history stories in general and The X-Files in particular, I’ve been eagerly awaiting to watch the new TV series created by Frank Spotnitz, whose past collaborations with Chris Carter have yielded some of my… Continue Reading →

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