Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag gory

Overlord or Overload?

When I saw the trailer for Overlord, I was as excited as I was skeptical.

 Luca Guadagnino’s Suspiria is a Bloody Mess

Suspiria is one of the most atmospheric movies you can ever watch. The original film isn’t told so much in words, but in the emotions that the lighting and camera convey. The story does not necessarily make much sense, if… Continue Reading →

Even Serial Killers Live Next to Someone: Summer of ’84

Hello horror fan. I get it, you are interested in Summer of ’84 for the same reason I felt compelled to watch it. It’s not because you liked Stranger Things (as all the buzz indicates one would be interested in… Continue Reading →

Shark Week Kills With Horror Fans

Blood. Violence. And a shot of adrenaline, coursing through your veins. Horror fans will easily recognize these elements stemming from a killer movie, but the very same qualities make Shark Week so successful.

Traumatic Horror Hits Home in Hereditary

Hereditary is disgusting, exploitative and far from the subtle blend of psychological and visual horror we’ve come to expect from A24. With scenes of brutality and gut-wrenching emotional trauma unlike anything the company has produced before, the film is a… Continue Reading →

Upgrade is the Love Child of the Terminator and Robocop

Let’s pretend that the first Terminator movie had a baby with the original Robocop movie. What you would get would be Upgrade. It’s a thrilling horror-action film that doesn’t let up for a minute. There is no political agenda to… Continue Reading →

Truth or Dare is Generic Horror

It’s fairly rare that I give a film one star. Normally, I save such ratings for films that are gimmicky, low-budget indie films. The writing has to be so far off that watching the film is torture. While Truth or… Continue Reading →

Just in Time for Spring: Night of the Lepus Hops Onto Blu-Ray

I love B-monster movies. Anyone who’s read more than two words of mine knows that the cheesier a flick is, the more likely I am to fall in love with it. I grew up watching old black-and-white creature features and… Continue Reading →

Season 2 of Santa Clarita Diet Has Bite

The Santa Clarita Diet may have invented a new genre of entertainment: the zom-com. Its an entertaining mix of a family sitcom, romantic comedy, slapstick horror and gory uh… weirdness. It’s probably not a TV show that everyone can easily… Continue Reading →

1922 is a Throwback to the Works of Poe

1922 is the latest Stephen King adaption this year. 2017 should really just be called the year of Stephen King. 1922 is a short story from the novel Full Dark, No Stars. It’s a tolerable story, one that I skimmed through… Continue Reading →

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