Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Hulk Hogan

Rumble is a Spectacularly Average Kid’s Movie

I am a fan of professional wrestling. There is very little that I do not love about sports entertainment. And why would I? It has violence, freaks of nature, pageantry and colorful characters that are over the top, but still… Continue Reading →

The Similarities of Pro Wrestling and Movies Are Many

Besides being an uber horror movie fan, I am a professional wrestling mark. From an early age, I have been enamored with the storytelling the business offers. The writers and producers who work behind the scenes come up with stories… Continue Reading →

John Cena is the Buddy You Always Wanted in Vacation Friends

When I am not working on my new haunted house, watching films for reviews, taking care of my elderly mom and kid, and trying to work my day job, I am an avid wrestling fan. While AEW is the current… Continue Reading →

My Spy Proves That Dave Bautista Is No Arnold Schwarzenegger

Growing up, Arnold Schwarzenegger was the quintessential action movie star. Basically, if you wanted a strong, muscle-bound hero who just oozed charisma, Arnold was your man. Starting with Conan The Barbarian, I was hooked on him. I remember my mom… Continue Reading →

GLOW Delivers Hits and Misses for Netflix

Welcome back to #HauntLife. This week, I am going to give my thoughts on the Netflix series, GLOW. Yes… GLOW. I know, you probably are wondering what this has to do with haunting and horror and such. But just ignore… Continue Reading →

WrestleMania Meets The Walking Dead: Pro Wrestlers vs. Zombies

Now, if a title like that doesn’t grab you attention, nothing will. Welcome back to a new installment of #HauntLife. Today we get to talk about Pro Wrestlers vs. Zombies, a Troma film that puts two of my favorite things… Continue Reading →

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