Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Icewave

BattleBots Champions Offers a Crazy, New Challenge for Competitors

BattleBots brings a bonanza of bravado and battles to a brand-new show.

2022 Brings New Rules and a New Location to BattleBots!

Per Matt Robot combat will look a little bit different in 2022. BattleBots’ Season 11 marks the 22nd year for the competition show that has appeared on a variety of TV networks. The fans are finally back (albeit masked) after… Continue Reading →

BattleBots: Bounty Hunters > Fight Night!

Per Matt Mechanical mayhem. Rock ’em sock ’em piles of mass destruction. Metallic shards and scraps flying into the air. Part science class, part reality TV show, these are just a few descriptions of what happens when hundreds of pounds… Continue Reading →

What Happened to BattleBots’ Desperado Tournament?

Per Matt For the past two years, the most exciting portion of BattleBots has been The Desperado Tournament. Sure, the hard crashes, violent behavior, fire, smoke and destruction taking place in every episode is always fun to watch between the… Continue Reading →

BattleBots Takes a Bite (Force) Out of Its Competition

Now that Thanksgiving has passed and I had a chance to clean out the ole DVR, I had a moment to reflect on the past season of BattleBots and give thanks.

BattleBots is Bringin’ it Back to a Couple of New Channels

Somehow, I never got the memo. Nobody told me that BattleBots was back… and this year, the robot combat sport is bringin’ it to a pair of new channels. Naturally, I missed the season premiere and the second episode (“It’s… Continue Reading →


The bots are back!

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