Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Inception

Netflix Gives Texas Chainsaw Massacre a Facelift

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise has had its ups and downs. I don’t think anyone would disagree that the original 1974 classic is one of the best films in the horror genre. In a lot of ways, Tobe Hooper’s movie… Continue Reading →

12 oz. Mouse Proves That Adult Swim Should Revive Original Programming

Per Matt A green talking mouse caught in a world of espionage that enjoys drinking beer. If that brief summary doesn’t ring a bell, there’s a decent chance you’ve never watched 12 oz. Mouse. Airing 15-minute-long episodes on Cartoon Network’s… Continue Reading →

James Cameron Explores Science Fiction (Among Other Genres)

Remember back in the day when people actually bought DVDs, which highlighted incredible supplemental behind-the-scenes documentaries that explored related topics to their subject matter? Those were the best! Clearly I’m not a big collector, as I haven’t bought a DVD… Continue Reading →

Government Revelation Gives Proof That The Truth is Out There?

With the publication of The New York Time‘s bombshell report of a secret Pentagon UFO program, The X-Files is quickly transitioning from science fiction to science fact.

The Power of Music and Movies

For as long as movies have existed, there has been music to accompany it. Only the earliest films ever made didn’t have in-house piano and organ music, before silent pictures moved to sound. The first full-length film to include synchronized… Continue Reading →

Paging Doctor Strange: The Sorcerer’s Comic-Book Roots

With the motion-picture premiere of Doctor Strange hitting movie theaters, the comic-book origins forecast an intricate future for Marvel’s Sorcerer Supreme.

Feast Your Eyes: Doctor Strange Delivers Stunning Effects In A 3-D Must-See

Marvel Studios’ latest entry into their massively successful Cinematic Universe and equally massive storyline, Doctor Strange, is kicking off November with a true spectacle of visual effects. Yes, the film also boasts some of Benedict Cumberbatch’s best work. Yes, it… Continue Reading →

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