Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag lunatic

Joaquin Phoenix is My Guilty Pleasure

Per Matt I’ll happily admit I’m a fan of Joaquin Phoenix. I won’t deny it. While the actor can choose some wacky roles and at times seems to be really “out there,” I never seem to shy away, regardless of… Continue Reading →

Fear The Surfing Dead: Zombie Tidal Wave’s Tropical Terrors

Much like Syfy’s advertisement screaming about the recently aired over-the-top tropical horror movie, I also wondered, “What took so long to come up with this?”

Psychics and Vampires: What Happened in NOS4A2?

More vampires? AMC jumps back onto the genre bandwagon with NOS4A2, as the new television series adapts author Joe Hill’s best-selling horror and dark-fantasy novel for the small screen.

Good or Bad? Legion’s Second Season is Both!

What makes a good villain? What happens when the hero turns bad and the villain becomes good? These questions are posed at different times during Season 2 of Legion, but good vs. bad can also describe the show’s second season,… Continue Reading →

Will Fear’s Crossover Rejuvenate The Walking Dead?

So many questions were posed in the explosive two-hour season finale of Fear the Walking Dead, that there’s no telling which direction the undead TV show may head next. But one thing is for sure: There will be a killer… Continue Reading →

Who Is Negan?

There can’t be a war without any casualties and one of the best villains of The Walking Dead Universe who provides plenty of those is Negan. But, who is this character, really?

The Terminator Franchise Gets Rebooted (Yet Again)

“If the past can change, then so can the future.” So, does that mean the latest Terminator movie is headed toward the right direction? And is it any good?

The Muppets

It’s time to put on make up, It’s time to dress up right, It’s time to reintroduce ourselves to the Muppets on TV. All right!

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