Per Matt Up until now, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has featured a wide assortment of genre films for its superheroes, with the majority of them featuring men. With Captain Marvel, a different type of approach was made, and it’s a… Continue Reading →
Bumblebee may have won high praise from critics and audiences alike by giving the movie a great overall rating, but in terms of box-office receipts, the soft reboot did not bring in big box-office bucks. That’s why the recent announcement that Netflix… Continue Reading →
Drive around the block and find something else to crap on, neck-beard cynics and unappeasable uber-nerds. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse isn’t your newest victim. I mean, I’m sure it will be, anyway, but the civilized world knows it’s… amazing.
Stan Lee wrote the gospel of the Marvel Universe and I became a true believer. With Stan passing away on November 12, 2018, I can’t help but look back at the influence he had in my life. More than any… Continue Reading →
It’s just as well that both Iron Fist and Luke Cage got the axe. These shows were dragging their feet to get our heroes where they need to be as Power Man and Iron Fist. If the cancellation of their… Continue Reading →
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