Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag medical experiments

Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story Flys High

Truth. Justice. And the American Way. This was a catch phrase that eventually became the symbolic characteristics of the alien Kal-El, whose small-town roots would eventually form the basis of Superman back in 1938. The all-American character (from another planet)… Continue Reading →

Digging for Clues Reveals More Skinwalker Ranch Mysteries

Paranormal elements including electromagnetic anomalies, unusual phenomena, unidentified flying objects, cattle mutilations, strange radiation emissions, weird science and unexplainable events are just a handful of incidents that have been either witnessed or experienced on Skinwalker Ranch. Housed on a wide-ranging… Continue Reading →

Even During a Nuclear Winter, Power Corrupts Snowpiercer

Catastrophes come in all shapes and sizes, whether they’re man-made or natural, taking place in the modern world or during a future Apocalypse. Or they’re simply inevitable. Somehow, Snowpiercer‘s second season involves each of those elements, wrapped up in a… Continue Reading →

Horror Noire: A History of Black Horror

Per Matt The horror genre, probably more so than all the rest, has long relied on clichés, tropes and stereotypes in depicting stories for the big and small screen. Often used in low-budget releases (but not exclusively), these tired portrayals… Continue Reading →

The Soska Sisters Get Rabid

Per Matt Medical experiments gone wrong have been a mainstay plot device within the horror genre for years. During this time of the Coronavirus pandemic, self isolation, quarantine and emergency operations can get even scarier. What better time to get… Continue Reading →

Why Am I Still Watching Manifest?

The storyline for Manifest is slowly getting unpeeled like an onion. Unfortunately, after watching nine episodes, it only stinks. And these tears are not of joy.

Scooby Apocalypse: All Bark, No Bite

I always wondered why Scooby and the gang never took any guns to stop the monsters that plagued their adventures and now I see why.

The Definitive Summer 2017 Horror Movie List

It’s hot, you didn’t want to wear your pants anyway… right, so why not watch something that will scare your pants right off you? Here is my list of the top horror films coming out soon that should be on… Continue Reading →

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