Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Michael Fassbender

The Killer is a Methodical Mess

Per Matt Michael Fassbender starring as a hitman in a David Fincher movie that’s based on a French graphic novel really sounds like the beginnings of a terrific logline. Somewhere along the way, the script unfortunately flips on The Killer.

The Gifted Delivers Intriguing New (Mutants) Scenarios

It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day for The Gifted. More than just a baby was delivered in the second season premiere of the TV show.

Shaun’s 2017 Year-End Review for Television Shows

2017 was an absolutely phenomenal year for television. New shows and returning series made absolutely incredible impressions, but that’s not to say there weren’t any disappointments. New and original IPs seemed to dominate, while superhero series seemed to finally be… Continue Reading →

The Snowman Melts With the Spotlight

Per Matt Not every storyteller can claim to be M. Night Shyamalan, but The Snowman tries to use every trick in the book to make you think it’s a thrilling movie that is similar in tone to those made by… Continue Reading →

Ridley Scott’s (Broken) Covenant

In space, no one can hear you scream. Unfortunately for everyone sitting around me at the local Malco, I was plenty loud and vocal. I try to write only positive, upbeat reviews and articles with my trademark snark and sarcastic… Continue Reading →

Prometheus was a Beautiful Misfire

Alien: Covenant hits theaters on May 19, almost five years after the release of Prometheus, Ridley Scott’s previous foray into the Alien Universe.  So, why is he now releasing a movie with “Alien” in the title, when, by all accounts, it should… Continue Reading →

Alien: The Perfect Organism

Ash: You still don’t understand what you’re dealing with, do you? The perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility. Lambert: You admire it. Ash: I admire its purity. A survivor… unclouded by conscience, remorse or delusions… Continue Reading →

Assassin’s Creed Misses Its Mark

I have yet to see a video game-based movie that has been good. A lot of them are just executed poorly or too far removed from their original source. I wish I could say that Assassin’s Creed is different, but… Continue Reading →

The X-Men Meet Apocalypse, One Powerful Adversary

With the installment of X-Men: Apocalypse, X-Men has become the Marvel franchise with the most movies in its series. Veteran director Bryan Singer returns in this installment, removed from only X-Men: The Last Stand, X-Men: First Class and the two… Continue Reading →

The 2016 Golden Globes Nominations From a Geek’s Perspective

Per Matt The nominations have been announced for the 2016 Golden Globes awards ceremony and surprisingly, geek culture was embraced with the list. Here’s a quick look at the potential award winners, from a geek’s perspective.

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